FDA Update – October 19, 2020
FDA establishes U.S. Agent Voluntary Identification System for Food Facilities
The FDA is issuing a new guidance document, U.S. Agent Voluntary Identification System (VIS) for Food Facility Registration. This is in conjunction with the FDA’s food facility registration database, the Food Facility Registration Module (FFRM).
The purpose of the VIS system is to ensure accuracy of U.S. agent information and enable U.S. agents to independently identify the facility or facilities for which the agent has agreed to serve. The FDA then provides the U.S. agent with an identification number that the agent can provide to the facilities the agent agrees to represent. Foreign food facilities now have the option of providing the identification number of their U.S. agent during registration.
After registration is submitted, the FDA then verifies the U.S. agent agrees to represent the food facility. The FDA will not confirm registration or provide a registration number to the foreign facility until the U.S. agent has confirmed that the agent has agreed to represent the foreign food facility. With the VIS system in place, when the foreign facility provides a U.S. agent identification number in accordance with the VIS and the name of the facility matches the facility name the agent has identified, the FDA will consider that verification and will provide the facility with a registration number without taking additional steps for verification.
To view the full guidance, as well as questions and answers provided by the FDA, please visit their website.
For any additional questions on the VIS system or registering as a food facility, please email mdi Consultants at info@mdiconsultants.com RE: Food.